Scalp Care Treatment Sebum Balancing.
Ritual indicated for hyperhidrosis and oily scalp. Purifying and rebalancing action, ridding the scalp of excess sebum while counteracting itching and discomfort.
Active Ingredients

Natural patented active ingredient,
derived from Australian anise myrtle, fights inflammation for a healthy scalp and shinier hair; also protects hair from oxidative stress, improves the barrier function of the scalp and reduces cell proliferation, restoring the balance of the scalp, protecting its hydrolipid film and making hair soft and light.

Aminohair 6 acids
There are over 500 Amino Acids, the Essential ones are many fewer, the most important being arginine, glycine, alanine, serine, valine, proline, the federating ingredients of the new Scalp Care Treatment line.
who is it for
Le formulazioni dei prodotti, arricchite con estratto di Ortica, sviluppate per iperidrosi e cuoio capelluto grasso, agiscono contro l’eccesso di sebo contrastando il prurito e la sensazione di disagio.